Dr. Paul Anto Pulikkan
Director & Visiting Professor, Chair for Christian Studies and Research, University of Calicut.
Dean, Department of Theology, Marymatha Major Seminary, Trichur.

Dr. Paul Anto Pulikkan
Director, Chair for Christian Studies and Research, University of Calicut.Resident Professor, Marymatha Major Seminary, Trichur.
Marymatha Major Seminary, Mulayam, Ayyappankavu P.O., Trichur 680751
Kerala, India.
Dr Paul Pulikkan, a priest of the Archdiocese of Thrissur in Kerala, is the Director and Visiting Professor of the Chair for Christian Studies at the University of Calicut and Dean, Department of Theology at Marymatha Major Seminary, Trichur. He also teaches at Institute of Theology, Trichur. He is the Chief Editor, Eastern Journal of Dialogue and Culture and a research Guide at the Faculty of Social Sciences Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam and member of the International Board of Revue d’histoire ecclesiastique – Louvain Journal of Church History. For doctorate in Theology from KU Leuven, Belgium he specialized on the Indian Church’s Participation at the Second Vatican Council. He is the author of several books and articles. He is a member of the research projects, The Second Vatican Council – Heritage and Mission, Vallendar, Germany and History of the Desire for Christian Unity, Bologna, Italy. He had been Visiting Scholar, at Catholic University of Leuven in 2001 and 2016. He has given lectures in many foreign universities (Chichester, Tuebingen, Marburg, Paderborn, Oxford, Institute of Religious Studies, Bologna).
He was a Project fellow in The Lived History of Vatican II, research project of the Cushwa Center, University of Notre Dame, Indiana, US. He was also associated with the project of Pontifical Committee for Historical Sciences, Rome, Archives of the Fathers of the Ecumenical Second Vatican Council (Coordinator for the Archives of Syro Malabar Bishops). He was a member of the International research project under the patronage of the International Federation of Catholic Universities on Vatican II: historical event and stakes involved for today.
He received Erasmus Mundus India To Europe (EMINTE) scholarship of the European Union (2016).
He has been examiner of PhD thesis in several universities (Aligarh Muslim University, Sri Vinayaka Mission University Salem, Mysore University, Kamaraj University, Madurai).
- MA in Theology and MA in Religious Studies (K.U. Leuven, Belgium) 1994
- PhD in Theology (Between Pastoral Concerns and Individual Preferences. Response of an Asian Church in an Ecumenical Council- A Historico-Theological Study of the Indian Participation in the Second Vatican Council (K.U.Leuven) 1998
- MSc in Psychology (University of Madras) 2006
- Professor of Contemporary History of Church at the Marymatha Major Seminary, Trichur. 1999
- Visiting Scholar, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium. 2001, 2016
- Professor of History of Church and Theology and Ecclesiology at the Institute of Theology, Trichur. 2002
- Professor of Contemporary History of Church Pontifical Institute, Aluva. 2014
- P. PULIKKAN (ed.), The Living Legacy of Vatican II: Studies from an Indian Perspective, Bangalore: ATC, 2017 (pp. 410)
- P. PULIKKAN, Monument of Divine Mercy, Biography of the Servant of God Fr Augustine John Ukken (1880-1956), Thrissur: Mariabhavan CSC Generalate, 2012, pp. 168.
- P. PULIKKAN (ed.), Church’s Role for a Better India, Catholic Council of India, XIth General Body Meeting, Kochi, 24-27 November 2011, Thrissur: Marymatha publications, 2012, pp. 286 (ISBN 978-81-87906-10-0).
- P. PULIKKAN (ed.), To be Broken and to be Given, Pastoral Service in the Church, Trichur: Marymatha publications, 2011, pp. 276 (ISBN 978-81-87906-07-0).
- P. PULIKKAN and COLLINS, P. (eds.), The Church and Culture in India, Inculturation: Theory and Praxis, , Delhi: ISPCK, 2010 (pp. xx, 306) (ISBN 978-81-8465-097-3).
- P. PULIKKAN, Dayamayan Visudha Damian, (Biography of Fr Damian), (Marymatha publications, Faith and Life no. 3) Trichur, 2009, pp. 136.
- P. PULIKKAN (ed.), Lord’s Shepherds to Love and to Serve, , Trichur: Marymatha publications (n. 4), 2007, pp. 324 (ISBN 81-87906-03-0).
- P. PULIKKAN (ed.), A Communicating Church in India, , CBCI 26th General Assembly, Thrissur, January 7-14, 2004, Trichur, 2004, pp. 300.
- P. PULIKKAN (ed.), The Evangelization Decade, the Great Jubilee and the Archdiocesan Assembly in the Archdiocese of Trichur, , Trichur: Marymatha publications (n.2), 2002, pp. 98. (ISBN 81-87906-01-4).
- P. PULIKKAN, Indian Church at Vatican II, A Historico Theological Study of the Indian Participation in the Second Vatican Council, Trichur: Marymatha publications, 2001, pp. LXII + 591(ISBN 81-87906-00-6). Book Review of the work: Vidyajyothi, Journal of Theological Reflection 67 (2003) 734-735.
- Paul Pulikkan, “Church’s Dialogue with the World: Reception of Gaudium et Spes in the Diocese of Trichur, India 1965-1985” in Kurian Kachappilly and Sebastian Mullooparambil (eds.), Ad Aeternam Memoriam, A Festschrift in Honour of Prof. Dr. Paul Shabor Kalluveettil CMI, Delhi: Christian World Imprints, 2022, 159-173.
Pulikkan Paul, “A Plea for an Integral Eco-theology: Reflections from India, Orient and Pope Francis’s Laudato Si” in EJDC 15,1 (2022), 32-48
Pulikkan Paul, “Pope Francis’ Dialogue with Culture, Lessons from Indian Church and Society” in P. Pulikkan (ed.), A Renewed Church in and for the World: Reflections from Missio Dei, Pope Francis and the Indian Context, Bangalore: ATC, 2022, 239-252.
Pulikkan, P., “Marriage as Covenant and Sacrament: Foundations for a Christian Family” in Denny Thanikkal (ed.), Family, the Eden on Earth, Trichur: Marymatha Publications, 2021.
- Pulikkan, Paul. St Chavara’s Chavarul: Historico-Theological Contexts. In Shaji George
Kochuthara (ed.), Vocation and Mission of the Family: Reflections on Chavarul and Amoris Laetitia, 67–81. Bengaluru: Dharmaram Publications, 2020. - PULIKKAN,P., Shaping a Better Church in the Age of Covid in Eastern Journal of Dialogue and Culture 13/2 (2020) 3-10.
- PULIKKAN,P. Nostra Aetate on Hinduism and Buddhism: The Role of Joseph Neuner S.J., and the Indian Bishops, in D. Bosschaert and J. Leemans (eds.), ‘Res opportunae nostrae aetatis’, Studies on Vatican II Offered to M. Lamberigts (BETL 317), Leuven: Peeters, 2020, 201-224.
- PULIKKAN,P., Church’s Response to Hindutva: Reflections from Brahmabandhab Upadhyay in M. Kadavil (ed.), Theologizing in the Era of Knowledge Society, Trivandrum: Malankara Seminary Publication, 2020, 61-77.
- PULIKKAN,P., Ecumenical Thrusts for Discernment from the Perspectives of the Indian Subcontinent in Virginia Miller, David Moxon and Stephen Pickard (eds.), Leaning into the Spirit: Ecumenical Perspectives on Discernment and Decision-making in the Church, New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2019, 85-99.
- PULIKKAN,P., Indian Cultures, Inculturation and three Individual Churches in India in Eastern Journal of Dialogue and Culture 12/1 (2019) 60-78.
- PULIKKAN,P., The Significance of Jesus Christ for the interreligious Dialogue in India, in Catholic Theology and Thought in Asia (South Korea), No 82/January 2019, 219-260.
- P. PULIKKAN, II Vatican Council’s Hope for a Just World: the 1964 Bombay Eucharistic Congress and the English speaking Bishops from the Commonwealth in the Fourth Session, in P. Chenaux and K. Kartaloff (eds.) Il Concilio Vaticano II e i suoi Protagonisti alla luce degli archive, (atti e documenti 46), Rome: Libreria editrice Vaticana, 2017, 273-293.
- P. PULIKKAN, The Indian Church and its Contribution to the II Vatican Council in P. PULIKKAN (ed.), The Living Legacy of Vatican II: Studies from an Indian Perspective, Bangalore: ATC, 2017, 70-89.
- P. PULIKKAN, A Church that is Poor and for the Poor – Legacy of Gaudium et Spes in the Indian Chruch in P. PULIKKAN (ed.), The Living Legacy of Vatican II: Studies from an Indian Perspective, Bangalore: ATC, 2017, 221-236.
- P. PULIKKAN, Church in Pluralist Society of India: Response to the Hindutva from the Ideals of Brahmabandhab Upadhyay (1861-1907) in Eastern Journal of Dialogue and Culture 10/1 (2017) 36-56.
- P. PULIKKAN, Encounter between Science and Religion, II Vatican Council and post conciliar Reflections in Eastern Journal of Dialogue and Culture in P. Maroky (ed.), Convergence II, Teilhard’s Vision from Different Perspectives, Kottayam: OIRSI, 2016, 83-100.
- P. PULIKKAN, Migration and Integration from the Indian Perspective , in K. Stuewe and E. Hermannseder (eds.), Migration und Integration als transnationale Herausforderung, Wiesbaden: Springer, 2016, 63-74. Collaborated in M. Lamberigts et. al, 50 years After the Vatican II Council, Theologians from all over the world deliberate, Paris: International Federation of Catholic Universities, 2015.
- P. PULIKKAN, The Second Vatican Council in the light of the archival sources of the Indian bishops , in P. Chenaux (ed.), Il concilio Vaticano II alla luce degli archive dei padre conciliari,, Rome: Lateran University Press, 2015, 423-443.
- P. PULIKKAN, Spirituality of St Euphrasia: a Portrait from her Letters in Sr Humbline (ed.), St Chavara and St Euphrasia, Archdiocesan Canonization Celebration Souvenir, Thrissur, 2015, 124-131.
- P. PULIKKAN, In Solidarity with the People and the Church: Archbishop Benedict Mar Gregorios Thangalathil at the Second Vatican Council , in Eastern Journal of Dialogue and Culture 8/1 (2015) 88-107.
- P. PULIKKAN, Asian Contribution to the II Vatican Council: The Story from the Subcontinent and the Oriental Churches in the Middle East,, in S. Kochuthara (ed.), Revisiting Vatican II, 50 Years of Renewal, , Bangalore: Dharmaram, 2014,132-146.
- P. PULIKKAN, Contribution of the Syro Malabar Bishops in the II Vatican Council and Conciliar Reception in the Syro Malabar church, ,in T. Padiath (ed.), Star from the East: Festschrift in Honour of Archbishop Joseph Powathil Delhi: Media House, 2013, 265-300.
- P. PULIKKAN, Archbishop Joseph Parecattil in the Second Vatican Council: Envisaging a Pastoral Agenda for the Church in India, in Asian Horizons 6/3 (2012) 465-480.
- P. PULIKKAN, Catholic Council of India, the Legacy of the II Vatican Council in PULIKKAN, P. (ed.), Church’s Role for a Better India, Catholic Council of India, XIth General Body Meeting, Kochi, 24-27 November 2011, Thrissur: Marymatha publications, 2012, pp. 286 (ISBN 978-81-87906-10-0), 46-49.
- P. PULIKKAN, the Dialogue of Salvation: Methodological Resources from FABC for An Asian Theology of Religions in Eastern Journal of Dialogue and Culture 4/1 (2011) 58-75.
- P. PULIKKAN, Inculturation and Liturgy: Some Conciliar and Post Conciliar Reflections from India in PULIKKAN, P and COLLINS, P. (eds.), The Church and Culture in India, Inculturation: Theory and Praxis, Delhi: ISPCK, 2010, 68-89.
- P. PULIKKAN, Church in India and Inter-religious Dialogue: Conciliar and Post Conciliar Developments in Eastern Journal of Dialogue and Culture3/1 (2010) 73-94.
P. PULIKKAN, The Reception of Second Vatican Council’s Social Teaching in India: Church’s Conversation with Society in Eastern Journal of Dialogue and Culture 2/1(2009) 58-82. - P. PULIKKAN, Interreligious Dialogue, the Context of Doing Theology Today in Eastern Journal of Dialogue and Culture 1/1(2008) 28-41.
- P. PULIKKAN, The Reception of the Second Vatican Council in the Indian Church and Areas of Further Realization, in Vidyajyothi, Journal of Theological Reflection 71 (2007) 208-219, 285-301.
- P. PULIKKAN, Meeting of Faith and Cultures in Kerala Pontificium Consilium de Cultura,Cultural Resources for Living the Christian Faith in Dialogue with Traditional Cultures in the Context of Cultural Transformation, Meeting of Catholic Cultural Centres in India, 20-23 November, 2006, Goa, Pontificium Consilium de Cultura, Vatican, 2007, 150-157.
- P. PULIKKAN, Die Rezeption des Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzils in der indischen Kirche. Ist-Stand und Forschungsperspektiven, (The Reception of Second Vatican Council in the Indian Church. The Actual Situation and the Research Perspectives) in: Peter Hnermann, Bernd Jochen Hilberath und Lieven Boeve (eds)., Das Zweite Vatikanische Konzil und die Zeichen der Zeit heute. Anstoesse zur weiteren Rezeption, Herder, Freiburg – Basel – Wien 2006, 504-528.
- P. PULIKKAN, Nostra Aetate, The Indian Church and the Hindu Religion in G. ROUTHIER (ed.),Receptions de Vatican II. Le concile au risque de l’histoire et des espaces humains, Leuven: Peeters, 2004, 153-173.
- P. PULIKKAN, The Indian Church at Vatican II, in Vidyajyothi, Journal of Theological Reflection 66 (2002) 164-174.
- P. PULIKKAN, Indian Bishops in the First Session: From a Slow Start to an Emerging Conciliar Ethos, in M.T. FATTORI & A. MELLONI (eds.),Experience, Organisations and Bodies at Vatican II, Leuven, 1999, 87-122.
- P. PULIKKAN & LAMBERIGTS, M., The Vota of the Indian Bishops and their Participation in the Liturgy Debate During the Second Vatican Council, in Questions Liturgiques 78 (1997) 61-79.