Seminars & Lectures
Webinar on Fratelli Tutti, Nov 14, 2020
Inauguration: Mar George Cardinal Alencherry (Major Archbishop of Syro Malabar Church); Talks were given by Dr K. Jayakumar IAS (Former Chief Secretary, Government of Kerala): Pope Francis’s hopes for a New World Order; Rev. Dr. Jaison Puthenveettil (Vicar General, Diocese of Calicut): Our Call to be a Good Samaritan; Dr Jancy K.A. (Professor, Vimala College, Trichur): Social Harmony in a World in Conflicts.
Nov 15, 2020
Talks by Mar Andrews Thazhath – Archbishop of Trichur: Fratelli Tutti – Hope for humanity; John Paul (Cine Script writer) – Pope Francis’ Call for harmony among Religions; Rev. Dr. Benny Mundanatt (Chancellor, Diocese of Thamarassery): Politics of Responsibility; Dr K.M. Francis (Professor, John Mathai Centre, Univ. of Calicut): Economics of Solidarity in Fratelli Tutti.
Seminar on Gandhian Vision and Its Relevance for the World Today, Feb 8 2020, at the University Seminar Complex. The lectures were given by Prof. M.H. Ilias (M.G. University), Prof. C. Dileep Kumar (former VC, Sri Sankara University), Dr Davis Kavungal (Marymatha Major Seminary, Trichur), Dr Siju Paul Komban (St Joseph’s Seminary, Aluva).
Seminar on the New Education Policy July 19, 2019, St Thomas college, Thrissur. Keynote speaker: Dr Prasanth Palakappilly, On 29. 7. 2020, at St Joseph’s parish hall, Calicut. Dr K Jayakumar, former VC of the Malayalam University, and Dr Paul Pulikkan were the speakers.
A Renewed Church in and for the World (Feb 8-10 , 2019)
CCSR organized an International Conference together with Marymatha Major Seminary and Institute of Theology, Thrissur.
8 Feb. 2019
: Vincent Kundukulam,: A Critical Study of the Mission Paradigms �Missio Dei, the Paradigm of the Time and Its Features
Mathijs Lamberigts: Mission in Vatican II and in post conciliar documents.
Jose Vadakkedom: God’s Mission: Biblical paradigms.
Toby SJ: Pastoral Accompaniment of the Youth and Reform of the Church.
9 Feb. 2019
- Sara Neena: Sacrament of Reconciliation: Sociological perspectives .
- Sebastian Chalackal: Priestly identity: New Paradigms and thrusts today .
- Marco Bonacker: A Renewed Cosmos and God’s mission. Recent debate.
Saijo Thaikkattil: Collaborative Participatory Church: The PAROC method.
- Mr. Francis K Chandy: Renewal of the Church in the teachings of as envisaged by Pope Francis .
- Beena Jose CMC: Recent Advances in Genetic Sciences: Ethical response.
10 February 2019
Jose Kuriedath CMI: Church in Dialogue with the Society: Challenges ahead
Sooraj Pittappilly: The Emerging Communalism and the Renewal in the Church.
Shaji Kochuthara CMI : Human Rights and the Church /
Rosemary Kalliath: Role of women and reform of the church
George Alex: Church in Interface with Culture
Sajan Pindiyan: Catechetical paradigms today – agents of Church Renewal
Day 3: 10 February 2019 Sunday - Family Apostolate Centre, Trichur
International Conferences
There were 3 international conferences also held in the past
1. The International Conference on Inculturation and Church 2008. The proceedings of the Conference were published: PULIKKAN, P. and COLLINS, P. (eds.), The Church and Culture in India, Inculturation: Theory and Praxis, Delhi: ISPCK, 2010 (pp. xx, 306) (ISBN 978-81-8465-097-3).
2. International Conference on Religion, Dialogue, and Society, 2010 (main papers were published in Chair journal EJDC in 6/2 (2013)
3. International Conference on Living Legacy of Vatican II, 2014. (Feb 27, March 1,2 2014)
The Proceedings of the International Conference on Living Legacy of Vatican II, held by the Chair in 2014, was published by ATC Bangalore on Aug 10th, 2017

National Seminars
NAAC visit
National Assessment and Accreditation Council (Naac) visited the Chair on 28.7.2016. It appreciated the working of the Chair; it specially gave appreciation for its periodical EJDC.
National Seminar – 11.3. 2017 on Current Issues and Challenges in Family and Marriage Counselling, co-sponsored by the Women’s Commission, Government of Kerala National Seminar 12.9. 2017 Premarital Counselling and Challenges
5.12.2015. Seminar on Christian Dialogue with the Public Society, Environment and the Marginalized : Speakers Dr. Paul Thelakkat (Laudato Si and Church’s Dialogue with the Public Society and Environment); Sri John Paul, the Film Analyst, (St. Kuriakose Chavara and the Uplift of the Marginalized).
24.10. 2015 at Thrissur, Seminar on Laudato Si, a renowned document from Pope Francis on environment
12.12.2013. Seminar on Christianlore, with the cooperation of School of Folklore Studies, University of Calicut.
26.10.2013. A seminar on Sri. Thachil Mathew Tharakan, a prominent lay leader of Christianity in Kerala. at Kuthiathode, the birthplace of Tharakan. Dr Kurias Kumbalakuzhy and Dr Cherian Varikatt led the classes.
7.12. 2011. Prof. M.N. Karassery and Dr Jose Palakeel led the seminar on Corruption Free India and Value based society at the University seminar complex..
24.4.2010. Seminar The Growing Nation, the Emerging Youth was led by Prof. K.M. Francis.
5.12. 2009, Seminar Euthanaisa (Mercy Killing) and Homosexual Relationships at the University Seminar Complex. Dr. Hormis Mynatty (Pont. Institute. Aluva) and Dr. K.M. Francis (St Thomas College, Thrissur) dealt with the ethical and social aspects of the topics.
27.11. 2009, seminar on the papal social encyclical Caritas in Veritate: Rev. Dr. Shaji German (Pont. Institute. Aluva), Dr. K.M. Francis (St Thomas College, Thrissur) and Dr. Annie Kunnath led the lectures.
4.2.2009. Seminar Towards a More Harmonious Society, at Seminar Complex, University of Calicut, on, Wednesday, 2.00 pm; speakers: Dr. M.D. Thomas, National Director, Commission for Religious Harmony, CBCI, New Delhi, Swami Chithanandhapuri (Head, Sanatana Chair), Prof. A.I.Rahmathullah (Professor, Department of Arabic, University of Calicut).
2008, 20th and 30th September: The Chair conducted a 2 day seminar on Christian Contribution to Kerala Culture and Society. The papers appeared in the second issue of Eastern Journal of Dialogue and Culture 2008.
On 25th February 2005, there was a Bishops’ Meet at the Chair in order to give a new vigour to the activities of the Chair.
On 6 March 2004, the Chair organized an Open Forum, an Inter-Faith-Dialogue for Peace.
On Oct 25-27, 2002, A National Seminar on “Peace & Harmony”, was jointly conducted by the Chair and Xavier Board of Higher Education.
The Chair organized a psycho-spiritual programme for the students Anointment 2007 on March 16-18, 2007. On 7.9.13, the Chair joined hands with the university authorities to make the campus green, by planting trees. The Chair organizes Christmas celebrations every year in the campus, promoting religious harmony and peace.