Guidelines for Authors

UGC CARE list no. 73.
Chair for Christian Studies and Research, University of Calicut

Guidelines to authors

  1. Originality of manuscripts. Only ORIGINAL submissions will be accepted for publication. Manuscripts may not have been previously published or be submitted for publication elsewhere.
  2. Revised manuscripts. With regard to a “revised” version of a manuscript that was published elsewhere: in order to be considered original, a manuscript must be at least 80% new material with no more than 200 consecutive words (properly cited) repeated verbatim from any previously published work.
  3. Copyright. Copyright of the article will be the property of the EJDC.
  4. Plagiarism.  All manuscripts will be checked for plagiarism prior to being accepted for publication. The authors must ensure that all information taken from outside sources is properly cited and that the article is written in one’s own words. All instances of plagiarism will be immediately returned to the authors for correction and if the problem persists, the article will be rejected.
  5. The length of the article should be between 4000-5000 words.
  6. Capitalise each word of the title except the pronouns. Titles may not be written in all capital letters (e.g., ‘CHAPTER FIRST’ is incorrect; ‘Chapter First’ is correct).
  7. The sub titles should be in sentence case.
  8. There should be an Introduction and a Conclusion for the article. For the purpose of clarity, there should be subdivisions. There is no need of numbering for these. Also do not use headings like review….methodology etc. Other sub titles should be in sentence form.
  9. Please use double-spaced, 12- point Times New Roman with 1” margins for the manuscript.
  10. Write in third person. Avoid I, my, we, us etc.
  11. Follow British spelling and British Punctuation (‘…..’. full stop after inverted commas).
    Use British English spellings such as –ise (in words like “standardise”) and –our (in words like “favour”). In terms of punctuation, use single-quotation marks, with punctuation outside any quote marks. Don’t use period (.) after Dr or Ms if the end letter of shortened title ends with the last letter of the full term. But you need a period when a shortened title does not end with the last letter of the full term (e.g., when “Professor” becomes “Prof”.)
    Example: This book will be standardised to British English, which uses spellings like “favour”, “colour”, and “analyse”.
  12. The author must submit an abstract of 75-150 words followed by 5 Keywords.
  13. Tables and figures should not be incorporated within the manuscript. Instead, there should be a clear indication in the text, indicating where the image should be placed, followed by the caption for the image. The indication should appear as follows:

    <INSERT Figure 1.1 ABOUT HERE>

    Caption: Figure 1.1: Title in sentence case

    This image used with permission of [Rights holder]

    • Images (JPG and TIFF) should be at least 3×5 inches/5×3 inches/1000×1500 pixels at 300 dpi, but you can send us your largest available version. Images that do not meet quality requirements may be rejected by editorial board.
  14. The first word in every paragraph should be indented one half inch. Block quotes should be properly formatted (indenting):

    Block quotations are usually used when the text you wish to quote exceeds 4 lines, and should be properly indented, and ideally set at a smaller font size (11), to make it very clear that the text in the block quote is a quotation, and should be typeset accordingly.

  15. Endnotes (in Arabic letters) are to be given at the end of the paper only and not to be embedded within the chapter.

  16. URLs used as sources must be cited with access date.
  17. Peer review: all submissions will undergo review process before being accepted for publication.
  18. An Abstract of 125-150 words, with 5 key words must be sent together with the article.
  19. 5 lines which introduce the author must be sent together with the article.
  20. There will be Article Processing Charge, if applicable.

Examples for methodology  

Author            Mathew L. Lamb, Solidarity with Victims: Toward a Theology of Social Transformation, New York: Crossroad, 1982.

For Endnote: Mathew L. Lamb, Solidarity with Victims: Toward a Theology of Social Transformation, New York: Crossroad, 1982, p. 10.

When you want to make a particular reference, you can also give Ref. / Cf.

When repeated: Mathew L. Lamb, Solidarity with Victims, p.11.

Series David L. Mueller, Foundation of Karl Barth’s Doctrine of Reconciliation: Jesus Christ Crucified and Risen, Toronto Studies in Theology, no.  54, Lewiston, Queenston, and Lampeter: Edwin Mellen, 1991.

Editor Werner G. Jeanrond & Jennifer L. Rike (eds.), Radical Pluralism and Truth: David Tracy and the Hermeneutics of Religion, New York: Crossroad, 1991.

Felix Wilfred, “Christians between Identity – Politics and Nationalism” in J. Mattam and P. Arockiadoss (eds.), Hindutva, an Indian Christian Response, Bangalore: Dharmaram, 2002, 259-281.

If many authors: H. J. W. Drijvers et al., eds., …..

John Henry Newman, An Essay in Aid of a Grammar of Assent, edited with Introduction with Notes by I. T. Ker, Oxford: Clarendon, 1985.

Names, such as those of the author of a preface, foreword or introduction can be indicated in the same way.

A.M. Mundadan, Paths of Indian Theology, Foreword by Sebastian Athappilly, Bishop Jonas Thaliath Endowment Lectures 1, Bangalore: Dharmaram, 1998.

Volumes Justo L. González, A History of Christian Thought, vol. 2, Nashville: Abingdon, 1971.

Editions Avery Dulles, Models of the Church, 2d ed., Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1987.

Henry Chadwick, The Early Church, The Pelican History of the Church, vol. 1 Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1967; reprint 1976.

 ARTICLES IN JOURNALS: Jan Willem van Henten, “The First Testing of Jesus: A Rereading of Mark 1.12-13”, New Testament Studies 49 (1999) 349-366.

When each issue within a volume of a journal is paginated separately, and not throughout the volume, the issue number is indicated after the volume number and preceded by: no.

Eleanor Nesbitt and Robert Jackson, “Christian and Hindu Children: Their Perceptions of Their Own and Each Other’s Religious Traditions” , Journal of Empirical Theology 5, no. 2 (1992) 39-62.

ARTICLES IN ENCYCLOPEDIAS: M. J. Costelloe, “Pontifical Universities, Roman”, New Catholic Encyclopedia 11 (1967) 557-562.

 ARTICLES IN NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES: G. Wills, “In Praise of Censure”, Time, 31 July 1989, 71-72.


Roger Charles, Review of Papal Teaching on Private Property 1891-1981, by Matthew Habiger, Studies in Christian Ethics 5, no. 2 (1992) 82-85.


Where reference is made for a second (and third, fourth) time to a title already referred to in full, an abbreviated form of the said title should be employed. As a rule, that segment of the title up to and including the first noun should be used, but for the sake of clarity, the abbreviation may be lengthier.

Jan Willem van Henten, “The First Testing of Jesus”, p. 350.

The use of Ibid.

  1. Antony De Mello, The Song of the Bird, 128.
  2. Ibid., 32. (the reference is from the same book).

When the place and/or year of publication are not known, the missing data are given as follows:

– place unknown: n.p.

– year unknown: n.d.

– place and year unknown: n.p., n.d.

In handwritten manuscripts, in the place of italics, one has to underline.

Sources on the Internet

“Transformation: The Church in Response to Human Need”,, accessed on 23.2.2021.


In the bibliography the first name is mentioned after the surname and separated from it with a comma.

Dietrich, Donald J. & Himes, Michael J., eds., The Legacy of the Tübingen School: The Relevance of Nineteenth-Century Theology for the Twenty-First Century, New York: Crossroad, 1997.

Documents on the Liturgy 1963-1979: Conciliar, Papal, and Curial Texts, Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 1982.

Lamb, Mathew L., Solidarity with Victims: Toward a Theology of Social Transformation, New York: Crossroad, 1982.