Ethical Policy of EJDC

Ethical Policy of EJDC

EJDC makes its policy to keep total integrity with regard to its academic output. It calls upon authors and contributors to enhance the quality of academic research by the pursuit of committed scholarly investigations.

For this, EJDC asks the authors to keep the rules of scientific writing:

  1. The paper submitted should not have been submitted to another publication for simultaneous consideration.
  2. The manuscript should be original and should not have been published elsewhere in any form or language. AI supported contribution is strongly objected by the Journal.
  3. One should also note that a single paper should not be split and submitted to different publications or to the same publication in a longer period of time.
  4. The content of the paper should not be the result of manipulation, falsification, misrepresentations.
  5. The data belonging to others must not be presented as one’s own.
  6. The authors must follow the guidelines of EJDC given to the authors.
  7. The works of others must be properly acknowledged. The quotations, acknowledgements, paraphrased sections must be acknowledged as such. If the paper contains copyrighted material, proper permission must be obtained before submission.
  8. The paper submitted shall not include texts which include unreasonable and unjustified attacks or allegations on individuals and groups but must be based on critical research.
  9. If alleged fraud is found, the journal will ask clarifications from the authors concerned. Accordingly, the manuscript under scrutiny may be rejected. If the article is published online, it may either be retracted from the site or retained with a note of caution, depending on the situation. If needed an erratum/ correction would be given.
  10. The journal will use all available means to check plagiarism and ensure that the texts published are of high academic and scientific quality.